JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)--A suspected suicide bombing at the Marriott Hotel created lunchtime carnage in Jakarta's business district Tuesday, killing 14 people and wounding 148, setting cars afire and scattering glass shards for blocks in a bloody reminder of the continuing threat of terrorism in the world's most populous Muslim nation.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the Marriott bombing.
The governor of Jakarta, Sutiyoso, said the attack was ``very likely'' carried out by a suicide bomber. The national police chief, Gen. Da'i Bachtiar, said the van carrying the bomb was moving at the time of the explosion.
The Marriott--a frequent site for U.S. Embassy functions and a popular destination for foreigners--was shattered just after noon when the bomb exploded on the driveway leading to its front entrance.
The blast smashed many windows in the 33-story hotel and smoke from burning cars blackened the outside of lower floors. The lobby ceiling caved in on charred sofas and overturned tables.
``Women ran out of the hotel screaming, 'Help! Help!''' said Supria, a construction worker. He said rescuers used fire extinguishers to douse people engulfed in flames.
Ceiling and wall panels lay in the street outside the hotel. The blast damaged the embassies of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark in the adjacent Rajawali building, but no staffers were injured, officials said.
``People were screaming, panicking,'' said Sodik, a witness. ``I thought it was an earthquake.''
Puddles of blood and broken glass could be seen for two blocks around the Marriott. The Indonesian Red Cross put the death toll at 14 and said 148 people were wounded, including two Americans. The latest fatality was an Indonesian taxi driver, who died overnight as a result of his wounds, hospital staff said.
Bachtiar, the police chief, said officials suspected the bomb was carried in an Indonesian-made Kijang van. He said its chassis number had been found along with the vehicle's registration number.
Among the dead was Dutch citizen Hans Winkelmolen, 49, who was winding up a three-year assignment as president of PT Radobank Duta Indonesia, a subsidiary of the Dutch cooperative bank Radobank. He was eating in Marriott's restaurant with his successor, Tony Costa, when the bomb went off, company spokesman Jan Dost said. Costa was hospitalized.
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