Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Begitu punya kekuasaan, dipakailah kekuasaan itu untuk menyingkirkan lawan-lawannya. Kasian Herman. Jadi batu loncatan si Roy buat nggebuk Priyadi.
OK. Ini sikap gue:
(1) Dipegang RS, Depkominfo lb parah dr Harmoko
(2) GusDur masih jauh lebih demokratis dari SBY
(3) Nyesel gue milih SBY
(4) Semakin banyak blogger ditangkap polisi, seribu kali lipat yg akan jadi antipati sama Partai Demokrat.
Believe me. SBY salah pilih orang!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
New obesity treatment 'a success'
00:04am 25th July 2005
A potential new treatment to help obese patients "feel full" has been hailed a success by researchers.
Scientists said that a hormone found in the small intestine had given them a crucial breakthrough in developing drugs to tackle obesity.
Their latest study - published in the journal Diabetes - involved patients being given injections of oxyntomodulin - a naturally occurring digestive hormone found in the small intestine.
The injections boost the body's existing levels of oxyntomodulin, which is normally released from the small intestine as food is consumed, signalling to the brain that the body is full and has had enough to eat.
The researchers, led by Professor Steve Bloom, hoped that injections of the drug would help reduce body weight and calorific intake in those taking part in the study.
A total of 26 volunteers took part in the four-week trial, with 14 given oxyntomodulin jabs and a control group of 12 given saline injections. The self-administered injections were given three times a day, 30 minutes before each meal.
The researchers found that after four weeks, the group taking oxyntomodulin reduced their weight by an average of 2.3kg - compared to around 0.3kg in the control group. They also found that the daily energy intake in the test group reduced - by an average of 170 calories after the first injection and 250 calories at the end of the trial.
The recommended daily intake for men is around 2,500 calories, and just under 2,000 for women.
Professor Bloom, a senior lecturer at Imperial College London and Hammersmith Hospital, said: "The discovery that oxyntomodulin can be effective in reducing weight could be an important step in tackling the rising levels of obesity in society.
"Not only is it naturally occurring, so has virtually no side effects, it could be ideal for general use as it can be self-administered. Despite this, we still need to conduct larger clinical trials to test its effectiveness over longer periods."
[source]Monday, June 13, 2005
Berubah? Bisa?

buanglah sepatu bututmu
ganti ringtone-mu
bakarlah sisa rokokmu
habiskan gajimu dalam sehari
travelinglah sendirian ke tempat yang belum pernah kamu kunjungi
jangan percaya zodiak, yakinlah dengan nasibmu
ajak seluruh keluargamu untuk foto bersama
kirimlah sms ke 0818148675
gambarlah orang yang paling kamu sayangi
tahan rasa laparmu
ubah dirimu
"Coba sesekali tengok ke belakang, lihat apa saja yang sudah dan belum kita lakukan, perlukah kita melakukan hal-hal baru? Berubah? Beranikah kita?"
(Irwan Ahmett, Cemeti, Yogyakarta, 14 April 2005)